Wednesday, June 3, 2015




MASLOW : Heirachy of needs.
McClelland : Needs for .



Maslow believed different people have different needs. The same person needs changes as each level of need is fulfilled (this explain the different behaviour/motivation of different people in different strata(ie lower income, middle income, upper income - in our society.)

People have different needs at different times. 

Needs : each level must be satisfied first  :
 Physiological needs --> safety needs --> social and belogingness needs --> esteem  needs --> self actualisation.


People can be motivated (rewarded) by performing a job (ie working). Different job can give people different reward, motivating them.

the intrisic reward are :
 (Lesson 3, 6P , slide 10).

a) give sense of meaningfulness
b) give a sense of progress
c) give a sense of choice
d) give a sense of competence.




 People have need. People are motivated based on these needs.

- needs for achievement
- need for power (individual and social power)
- need for affliation.

These needs can be fulfilled in different jobs. Ie different jobs can fulfill different needs.

People have a dominant needs.

the same job can fullfil different needs.

Eg : a sales job.

If a person has a need for achievement, he can be motivated if the sales job give him a sense of achievement (based on hitting sales target).

If a person has a need for power, he can be motivated if the sales job (as sales manager) give him power over different sales person.

If a person has a need for affliation, then we make sure the sales job give the person opportunity to meet many different clients. (ie new clients).


A job have different core job characteristics :

- skill variety

ie the job require need different skill.

eg : facilitator : need to know how to manage students, how to teach, how to counsel, how to discipline, need to read/research, know how to tell stories.
(sigh, tough job.)

- task identity

high task identity  means the person get to see the outcome of his job. eg : house painter.

he point out to someone else the houses he has paint.(he can see the outcome, ie his handicraft).

low task identity means the person DON"T get to see the outcome. eg a worker in an auto assembly line - and his job is to just fix windscreen, he don't get to see the complete car.

- task significance
high task significance : has high impact on other people life. 

eg : doctor, social worker

- autonomy

does the person get to decide how and when he want to get a task/job done.

- feedback from job.

does the job provide feedback.

eg high feedback from job -  poorly trained waiter. If he spill soup/food on customer, there will be instant feedback.


Why need to know core job characteristic?

Different people are motivated by different things.
some like autonomy and don't like to report to a manager .

some people are motivated to go to work or do their best if their job help others (have an impact).

Nurses are poorly paid, work long hours but some are stay on because they are motivated to know their caring help other to recover (high impact, high task significance.)

Thus to keep people motivated at work, we need to ensure their jobs fulfill their needs and they are motivated.


How to redesign job .

Job enlargement 

- increase task, different skill needed, but same level of  responsibility

Job rotation

- change task, same level of  responsibility.

Job enrichment 

- increase task, higher level of responsibility.




As manager, we need to understand our staff needs (ie which level are they in,according to Maslow.)
then try to help them satisfy this level of needs, so they will be motivated to work.

Also, we need to know how to redesign the job responsibility, so that the job can provide the staff intrinsic reward (ie one or more of the 4 senses).

What is the staff need? - how do we satisfy it, how do we redesign job scope so the job satisfy his/her needs.

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