Tuesday, June 2, 2015

L1 : Personality/Big 5/CANOE

Concept---- personality.
Personality Theory  : Big 5 dimension (CANOE)

C    A      N     O     E
-  seek competence, detailed, dutiful (ie follow rules)
      A: agreeableness
  • prefer peace, defer to others to maintain peace
        N: neuroticism
  • sensitive to negative emotion,  easily upset
      O: openness
  • enjoy changes, like to try new things.
      E: extroversion
  • enjoy interacting with others, external world (vs staying within himself/herself).

Ask : For each dimension : does the person have high, medium or low to determine best fit.

There is no ideal personality.

Best fit depend matching
job requirement and the employee's personality.




As a manager, when we have a job to fill, we need to know what kind of personality (best on the 5 dimension) will best fit the job we have.

so that the person selected will be able to perform.

In addition to personality theory, we also look at the person's knowledge, skill and abilities.

Extended Learning :


- people can change their behaviour to fit into a job situation, but they may not be happy or take lots of effort.

eg : an introvert can do a sales job, but they need to change their behaviour to fit in a sales situation.


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