Wednesday, June 3, 2015

L2 : ATTITUDE / BANDURA self efficacy


  1. Self concept : self esteem/self efficacy.
  3. Bandura 4 sources of self efficacy.


How is attitude formed?

Attitude :  outcome of our behaviour affected by our feeling which is affected by our belief.

Belief --> Feelings --> Behaviour Intention  

Belief : things you believe (doesn't matter true or false)  about the object.  (eg school uniform)

You believe school uniform is not necessary for poly students .

Assessed feeling : your evaluation of the object - positive/negative, good/bad, like/dislike.

You dislike school uniform.

Behaviour Intention : what you are motivated to do, plan to do, decide to do.

If RP implement school uniform, you intent to change poly.


To influence an employee's attitude, we try to influence their belief.

Note : behaviour intention can be different from the actual behaviour.

Eg : you intent to quit from RP (behaviour intention) but you did not (behaviour)
because your parent insist you stay on.  Or maybe you stay next to RP and do not want to change poly because of the convenience. (Hiya,  you can go home and have lunch and save money to buy the latest handphone mah).

Bandura's self concept.
Self concept  : made up of a person’s attitudes, abilities, and cognitive skills
 Self-efficacy plays is an essential part of this self-concept.

What Is Self-Efficacy? (Bandura)

  Self-efficacy is "the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations." In other words, self-efficacy is a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. Bandura described these beliefs as determinants of how people think, behave, and feel (1994)

What factors can affect our self efficacy ?  ie cause it to be low or high.

a) prior experience
b) persuasion by others
c) behaviour modelling
d) assessment of our emotional/physical states. 

By knowing these factors, we can help our staff to improve their self efficacy.

Note : 

a) behaviour modelling : is not idol or role model.

we see someone similar to us (in age, abilities, skill, qualification etc) succeeding in completing a task (eg score A for maths) and we tell ourselves (change our belief) that we can succeed too.

idol or role modelling : usually some one we look up too, and likely to be quite different from us - age, experience etc . eg : late LKY is a role model.

b) assessment of emotional/physical states 

we realised that our self efficacy can drop/reduce if we are at certain emotional/physical state.
eg :we beleive we cannot complete the marathon because we are totally exhausted.
to increase self efficacy (and successfully complete the marathon) we psy our self up or we dedicate our run to someone we love.

c) in term of efficiency, Bandura's state that the easiest way to increase self efficacy is through prior experience (ie having done similar task before).



Self esteem : a person evaluation of himself,  appraisal of self worth or self value.

Self efficacy : a person's belief about his/her capabilities to succeed in a task.




As manager, we need to understand how atttiude are formed.
Then able to SUGGEST what can be done to improve our staff attitude towards work
so they can perform better.

Also we can advise/suggest based on how to increase staff's  self efficacy.


LOCUS of control.

Some people believe that external factors control their life.
eg : when they fail their exam, they blame the tutor/exam paper, not enough time.

Some people belief that internal factors control their life.
 eg : when they fail their exam, they believe it is due to themselves - not revising, etc.

People locus of control  affect their self efficacy which affect their attitude.

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